The best blog from Christian L!
The #1 JL Mann and CofC College Of Charleston blog on the web!
What's Up to everybody!!!!
I'm am feeling superb tonight!!!!!! My day was so very "out of wack."
This morning I did my first soup kitchen EVER. This was such a very interesting and inspirational thing for me. It taught me to really be thankful for what I have. I found out from the people there that I have my life better off than others. It made me feel bad that I don't have all the power to help every single person in that room. I wish I able, but all I can do is help and pray for them! Mr. O'Neill, a substitute from my old middle school, was there helping out. I didn't recognize him at first, but we eventually started talking and it was very interesting to hear his life story since I left my middle school. I found out he was Catholic for the first time and he, also, talked about substituting at Mann sometime! THAT WOULD BE FUN!
Father Newman was there for a short while too. I didn't recognize him at first because he was dressed in casual clothes. He, usually, is found wearing his priestly garments. It was fun seeing him in a straw hat, white t-shirt, khaki shorts, and flip-flops. He looked really strange, but cool. I found it fun seeing him happy about the youth group being at the soup kitchen.
Then we had Saturday night mass as usual. But this Saturday mass was very abnormal. First, we had two new altar servers at the mass. I had to show them the ropes throughout the mass. They were pretty good, but they still have a few kinks to figure out. But that was not the only "Wild" thing that happened at mass tonight.
There was a black man there who seemed to act as if he came out of a Baptist church into the Catholic Church. He may have been faking it, but I thought he was for real. I prayed so hard for him during the mass. He was really disruptive. He would be shouting "JESUS" all throughout the consecration. That's great when we're singing, but it is very inappropriate during the Eucharist. I don't think he meant any harm, but he didn't help the congregation out at all. He was more annoying than he was spiritual. He came up and started doing his "thing" during the homily and he had to be taken outside before the distribution of the Eucharist. BOY IT WAS A VERY BIZARRE THING TO WITNESS. I had never seen anything like it in my life. I hope that I am right about him.
Well, I had Burger King "Woppers" for dinner and watched "Shark Tale." It was funny, I guess, but I thought it had too many celebrities in it. I think they could have toned it down just a little bit.
YES, I HAVE A CHATROOM. I hope you have enjoyed it. If not, try it out now with some of your buddies. I am enjoying it all ready.
Amanda called me about half an hour ago and we were talking about hanging out together in a few weeks. It sounds like I am going to be having
FUN. She is a great girl and I like her very much. She has a cold and I hope that she gets better soon.That pretty much wraps up my day for now. ENJOY THE CHATROOM from freewebs.
Mr. O'Neill
Father Newman
Jimmy D.
China T.
Adele S.
Grace S.
Dylan S.
Campbell Y.
Father Smith
Amanda T.
Lindley M.
Will W.
Nikki S.
Marjy B.
The two new altar servers at St. Mary's!
andTO ALL THE COOL PEOPLE AT 5 O' CLOCK MASS!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Prayer Of The Day:
Dear Lord,
I pray that all the people who were affected by 9/11 may be blessed tomorrow. I pray for all the people that I helped at the soup kitchen that they may be blessed and that they are able to get back on their feet soon. I pray for the black man at mass today that he does your will at all times. I pray for the teens that drink at my school that they may stop and become happy sober people. I pray, also, that you continue to help out the Hurricane Katrina victims. Keep helping the old and new altar servers do your will.
I Ask This Through Christ My Lord,
N.O. police say they are regaining control+
Hurricane Ophelia threatens Carolinas+
Families Rally Against 9/11 Museum+
Army Finally Tells Family Truth------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I will be "partying" for God all night long. He's my #1 in my life.