The best blog from Christian L!
The #1 JL Mann and CofC College Of Charleston blog on the web!
I would like to take this time to congratulate both Will W. And Gordon G. In their golf competition held these past few days. It has been entertaining to keep up with and I am glad that they are doing well!!!!
I hope they place very high in this tournament. If not, GOOD JOB WELL DONE!!!
Please pray for the 15 year old who was arrested recently for trying to rob a few people in our neighborhood. I don't know who he is, but he is in custody. Please pray that he is dealt with in a fair and humble manner. I can probably assume that he goes to our high school! I hope he is someone I don't know, but I can't be too sure of it!
I am sorry for hurting your feelings, friends, at the end of the school year. PLEASE FORGIVE ME. I forgive you all as well!!!
Enjoy your summer and "Keep On Bloggin' "
Love You All In Christ,
Christian L.
Finally, A thumbs up for pro lifers and Catholics! - Woman kept alive in hopes of saving baby------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------